
Nephrology is a branch of discipline that studies the structure, functions and diseases of the kidneys.
Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine Department of Nephrology, in the Department of Internal Medicine was established by Prof. Dr. Taner Çamsarı in1989.

In Department of Nephrology, diagnosis and treatment of hypertension, kidney diseases, dialysis (hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis) and kidney transplantation in adult patients are carried out by expert health personnel in accordance with the criteria of modern medicine and the contemporary world.

There are polyclinics for kidney diseases, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation within the scope of the Department of Nephrology. In addition to ambulatory care services, patients are hospitalized in our clinic with a capacity of 16 beds and further examination and treatment services are provided for diagnostic purposes.

Dialysis Center of Dokuz Eylul University Hospital was put into service in June, 1991. The first hemodialysis treatment was applied to a 67-year-old male patient at Dokuz Eylul University Hospital in 10 January 1991. Our dialysis center is an 18-bed unit with a closed area of 700 m2 and providing modern and hygienic conditions on the ground floor of the hospital’s inpatient units.

Our dialysis center operates in order to meet the hemodialysis treatment requirements of patients who are followed up in our hospital. In our dialysis center, hemodialysis treatments are applied to patients (including patients connected to a respiratory support device) who are followed up in the adult nephrology clinic, pediatric nephrology clinic, emergency room and other clinics of our hospital. Our dialysis center also provides services to adult and pediatric hemodialysis patients followed up in outpatient clinics.

Patients who are followed up in the intensive care units of Dokuz Eylul University Hospital and need kidney replacement therapy are also treated with hemodialysis in their beds. In addition to standard hemodialysis treatment, continuous and slow extracorporeal treatment options can also be applied to this patient group.

The first kidney transplant was performed on a 26-year-old female patient from a cadaver donor on April 8, 1992 at Dokuz Eylül University Hospital. Up until today, a total of 399 kidney transplants have been performed at our center, 179 of them from a cadaver donor and 220 from a live donor. Currently, a total of 320 kidney transplant recipients, 127 of whom are from a cadaver donor and 193 from a live donor, are being monitored and treated on an outpatient basis at our center.

The first peritoneal dialysis treatment was applied in Dokuz Eylul University Hospital in 1991. In our clinic, a total of 350 patients have been treated with peritoneal dialysis up till today. Currently, 35 patients are being monitored and treated on an outpatient basis in our peritoneal dialysis outpatient clinic. 17 of these patients are treated with continuous outpatient peritoneal dialysis, and 18 with instrumental peritoneal dialysis treatment.

The first kidney biopsy was performed in 1989 at Dokuz Eylül University Hospital. Kidney biopsy is performed on an average of 100 patients per year in our clinic. Cases with kidney biopsy are discussed at the weekly nephropathology meeting with the Pathology Department.

Diagnosis and Treatment Services Related to the Department of Nephrology for Patients Applying to Dokuz Eylul University Hospital

Urinalysis and microscopy
24-hour urine analysis
Blood tests related to kidney functions
Immunoserological tests
24-hour blood pressure monitoring
Scintigraphic imaging methods
Radiological imaging methods
Kidney biopsy and histopathological evaluation
Renal angiography and angioplasty
Tissue typing and immunology laboratory tests
Hemodialysis treatment
Peritoneal dialysis treatment
Nephrology (kidney diseases) polyclinic
Glomerular diseases outpatient clinic
Hypertension outpatient clinic

Kidney transplant polyclinic (pre-transplant preparation and post-transplant follow-up)