
He has been in this position since 2017. There are 8 faculty members, 1 lecturer doctor, three expert audiologists and 10 research assistants in the department.

Regular scientific activities of our department include Dokuz Eylul ENT Days, Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Course and Dokuz Eylul Alumni meetings, Rhinoplasty Course and Parotis Surgery Courses.

All up-to-date and modern Ear Nose and Throat practices are carried out in our department. An average of 1800 operations are performed annualy including 5 operating days per week.

In our department, approximately 25-30 scientific publications are published annually at the international and national level.

In the Hearing-Speech Balance Unit, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation services are provided to different patient groups such as ear disease, balance disorder, voice and speech disorder, cochlear implantation training and follow-up. A systematic training program is carried out in order to provide better quality healthcare to the patients who apply to the unit. Hearing-Speech and Balance Unit, Prof. Dr. It is under the responsibility of Günay Kırkım. 2 physician audiologists, 1 specialist audiologist, and five graduate students work in the unit. In this unit, in addition to the Audiometry Technician Program which is functioning under Dokuz Eylul University Health Vocational School, the Newborn Hearing Screening Program also carries out the supervision and coordination. The Hearing-Speech and Balance Unit, which provides diagnosis and treatment services to 10000 patients annually, is currently being prepared to become a sub-branch under the name of Audiology.

In the outpatient clinic, diagnosis and treatment services are provided to 130 patients every day with a daily appointment system, and periodical postoperative controls and care are carried out. And besides, an average of 10 consultation requests per day from other units in our hospital are carried out.

In our department, education, research and publication studies are carried out on the following subjects.
1. Otology (Ear diseases)

  1. Phonosurgery (Surgical Treatment of Voice Diseases)

4. Maxillofacial trauma (Face and jaw fractures)

  1. Rhinology/Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery (Nose and sinus diseases)
  2. Snoring and OSA Surgery
  3. Head and Neck Surgery (Head Neck Cancers)
  4. Thyroid Diseases and Surgery


Hearing-Speech and Balance Unit

In the Hearing-Speech-Balance Unit, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation services are provided to different patient groups, such as ear disease, balance disorder, voice and speech disorder, who apply to all units of Dokuz Eylul Faculty of Medicine Hospital.

A systematic training program is carried out in order to provide better quality healthcare to the patients who apply to the unit. Hearing-Speech-Balance Unit is under the responsibility of a faculty member and 3 expert audiologists work here.