In our clinic, lung surgeries (segmentectomy, lobectomy, pneumonectomy, extended resections, metastasectomy, volume reduction surgery, cystectomy), VATS (lobectomy, segmentectomy, mediastinal mass resections and single-port interventions), endobronchial treatments (Rigid bronchoscopy), breast wall operations (Nuss and Abramson procedures, Ravitch operation, thoracoplasties), pleura (decortication, VATS) and surgical procedures for diagnosis and use of thoracic and mediastinal (mediastinoscopy, mediastinotomy, thymectomy, mediastinal mass resection, thoracic sympathectomy) diseases are successfully performed in accordance with the requirements of modern evidence-based medicine. In particular, early stage surgical treatments, which are the definitive treatment of lung cancer, further stage extended surgical treatments and surgical treatments of patients who have received neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy are successfully performed.

The clinic is the first center in the Aegean Region to perform some extended surgical treatments, endoscopic thoracoscopic sympathectomy and pectus excavatum operations with the Nuss Procedure and the pigeon breast with the Abramson Procedure. Our clinic is the second center where endoscopic breast wall deformities correction operations are performed the most in Turkey.

All surgeries performed in the field of Thoracic Surgery in the world are performed in our clinic.

The patients evaluated in the outpatient clinic and the patients evaluated as multidisciplinary in chest diseases-chest surgery and thoracic oncology councils constitute the patient flow of our clinic.